Surfing through this many awful crafting blogs and challenge blogs I found one challenge, which lead me to the following idea: Dots von DYSU Challengeblog. I wanted to make a card with HobbyDots, my choice of colour was lilac in combination with yellow, because I recently bought some beautiful papers from LeCreaDesign and didn't use them since. Lucky me, there was one design with dots! While arranging the dots I head a great idea: What would fit better than Dalmatians having a theme called "dots"! And there was still this cute 3D-motive of Disneys "101 Dalmatians". And that's it:
Und dann war da noch die Challenge "Shiny Happy Cards" von Cute Card Thursday - da ich die spiegelnd glänzenden lila HobbyDots genommen habe, reiche ich die Karte auch dort ein!
And then there was this challenge "Shiny Happy Cards" from Cute Card Thursday - since I've chosen HobbyDots shiny lilac, I'm going to send in my card there, too!
Und schließlich habe ich auch noch die Challenge "Add Shine" von Paperplay Challenges gefunden, da mache ich natürlich auch mit!
And finally I found the challenge "Add Shine" from Paperplay Challenges, where I participate of course!
cute card
AntwortenLöschenthanks for joining the DYSU challenge this week
Very cute card. Thanks for joining us at Do You Stack Up.
Really sweet card. Thanks for joining us at DYSU xx
AntwortenLöschenlove those doggies
AntwortenLöschenkitten DYSU team
fab card
AntwortenLöschenthanks for playing with us at paperplay this week